1. For the circuit consisting of air transmission line shown below, Rs = 100Ω, Zo = 50Ω, ZL = 100 - j50Ω, length I = 0.2λ.

a The ABCD matrix of the transmission line
b. The input impedance
c. The output impedance
2. For the circuit shown below, ZL = 100 - j50Ω, determine

a. The input impedance
3. A certain two port network is measured and the following S-parameter is measured at a frequency:
[s] = [0.1∠0° 2∠90°]
[2∠90° 0.4∠0°]
a Determine if the network is symmetric and if loss less
b. If a short circuit is placed at port 2, what will be the resulting return loss at port (i.e., convert to 1 port matrix)
4. A 3-port RF circuit has an unusual flow diagram as shown in figure. The arrows show how the amplitude of the wave transfers between ports when all ports are matched.

a Write down the general S-parameters for this circuit
b. Is this a reci procal and I ossless circuit?
c. Determine the equivalent 2-port scattering matrix if port 3 is open-circuited
5. The electric field in free space is given by E' = 1X10-6(x' + y') cos(2ΠX109 - βz) V/m.
a) Which direction is the wave propagating?
b) What is the operating frequency
c) Determine β
d) Determine the corresponding H-field