
Determine i the coupling constant j ii the frequency

At the operating frequency v¬0 = 60 Mhz, the strongly coupled proton (second-order) NMR spectrum of an HNCH group corresponding to the so-called AB type gave 4 lines at 310.08, 313.08, 318.72, and 321.42 Hz measured from TMS (tetramethylsilane). Determine (i) the coupling constant J, (ii) the frequency difference ?°(?d) due to the difference in chemical shifts ?d = d2- d1 , and (iii) the chemical shifts d1 and d2 of the two hydrogens in ppm. Use your results to predict the frequency positions of the lines measured from TMS when the spectrum is recorded at an applied field of 14.091 T (g1 for 1H = 5.586 and µN = 5.0508 X 10-27 J T-1). Also, does the ?°(?d)/J ratio in this case allow for a first-order analysis (the AX type)?

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Chemistry: Determine i the coupling constant j ii the frequency
Reference No:- TGS0793935

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