
Determine how whsms will be implemented in sufficient

Part -1: WHS Case Study Analysis

Case 1: AAA Auscarts Imports Pty. Ltd

Auscarts Imports Pty Ltd operate a recreational go-karting business in Port Melbourne. As at 6 October 2006, barriers around the go-kart track consisted of a mixture of tyres either bolted together; some were left loose; or pushed hard-up against a concrete barrier. Some sections of the barrier exposed bare, unguarded concrete. Barriers should be able to quickly decelerate a go-kart with minimum damage to the driver and go-kart. Barriers constructed with tyres should be able to move and have some give when impact occurs. Tyres pushed hard-up against a concrete wall created a too 'stiff' barrier. Tyres not bound together can be 'flicked' onto the track if hit, or fly through the air, creating the risk of people and go-karts being hit or leaving areas of the track without a barrier.

Employees were required to perform duties as track marshals, co-ordinate patrons and racing events and to "test drive" go-karts around the track located at the workplace. Patrons' seatbelts are meant to be checked by track marshals but sometimes patrons were allowed to drive even if the seatbelt and harness did not fit adequately.

On 6 October 2006, a patron attending for a function arranged by her employer, died as a result of head injuries she sustained when the go-kart she was driving collided with a tyre barrier that surrounded the racing circuit. The barrier was positioned in front of a Besser block chicane and the tyres were pushed hard up against the wall. There have been approximately 7 other collision incidents that involved injuries, including lacerations to the throat, whiplash, bruising and leg injuries.

For this case study you are required to identify and explain;

  • Factors that contributed to the incident
  • Relevant standards, codes, regulations and what the actual requirements of those documents were for the situation described by the case study
  • The actions you would put in place in the organisation to prevent the same type of incident from occurring in the future and to meet compliance requirements

Case 2: McCain Foods (Aust) Pty Ltd

McCain Foods (Aust) Pty Ltd manufactures frozen food products at 1059 Ring Road, Wendouree. On 27 February 2007, an employee maintenance fitter was performing maintenance on a Magnuson Brush Washing Machine. At the time the machine was not effectively isolated. There was general confusion between the maintenance staff regarding the functions of the various switches on this multiple-drive motor machine. There was no specific lockout procedure and the generic lockout procedures had not been followed.

The employees involved had no specific training in any isolation procedures. The employee's left thumb was amputated when the machine started whilst he was working on it.

For this case study you are required to identify and explain;

  • Factors that contributed to the incident
  • Relevant standards, codes, regulations and what the actual requirements of those documents were for the situation described by the case study
  • The actions you would put in place in the organisation to prevent the same type of incident from occurring in the future and to meet compliance requirements

Case 3: Australian Aluminium Shopfitters Pty Ltd

In January 2010, a high rise apartment complex was being constructed at a site in Dorcas Street, South Melbourne. Australian Aluminium Shopfitters Pty Ltd was engaged to undertake glazing works for the project. The company, in turn, engaged a third party to undertake the glazing at the Workplace. The third party's three employees worked exclusively for AAS and were "deemed as their employees".

On 15 January 2010, one of the deemed employees used a cantilevered mobile device with a raised platform ("the chariot"), to access high points of the building under construction. The chariot was the accused's plant. The deemed employee sustained fatal injuries when both he and the chariot fell seven storeys to the ground below. He was not using any fall protection.

For this case study you are required to identify and explain;

  • Factors that contributed to the incident
  • Relevant standards, codes, regulations and what the actual requirements of those documents were for the situation described by the case study
  • The actions you would put in place in the organisation to prevent the same type of incident from occurring in the future and to meet compliance requirements

Part -2:

Project: Design and Present a WHS Management System

Your group has been given the task to review the entire WHS practice at Salad Fresh and develop a brand new WI-IS Management System for the organisation.

Your WHSMS will incorporate;

- External, internal and workplace factors and motivators that influence the need to develop an WI-ISMS
- WHS Policy, processes and management responsibility
- Relevant laws, standards, codes or guidelines as applicable
- Communication and consultation
- Strategic goals and objectives
- Purchasing and hiring guidelines (e.g. equipment safety check)
- Risk management
- Incident management and corrective action procedures
- Training needs and requirements for implementing the system
- Resources requirements for implementing the system
- Internal review and evaluation

Part -3: Develop an WHSMS Action Plan

Within the same group, develop an WHSMS Action Plan that outlines the process of determining how WHSMS will be implemented in sufficient detail for the organisation to make an informed decision about execution of the plan in the light of the risks and requirements involved. Your action plan will typically cover the following elements;

- Introduction
o Context/Background
o Goals and purpose
o WHSMS description

- Management Overview
o Implementation approach (e.g. phased or instant)
o Contacts, roles and responsibilities
o Major tasks, timelines and priorities
o Implementation schedule

- Implementation Support
o External consultation
o Facilities and resources

- Documentation

- Resources
o Resources requirements
o Staffing requirements
o Training of implementation staff

- Monitoring and Evaluation
o Information and data collection methods
o Evaluation of data
o Reports and recommendations

The action plan should be written as a formal corporate document with appropriate and suitable style and structure. Although there is no fixed format, groups can use a template for guidance. All external sources should be cited using the Harvard Referencing System.

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Case Study: Determine how whsms will be implemented in sufficient
Reference No:- TGS0813214

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