Seven Tools for Quality
This week you have learned about the seven tools of quality. These tools are essential within the workplace and will improve your work environment if used properly. Using your current workplace as an example (if you are not employed, you may use a previous employer or fictional company) determine how the seven tools of quality can be used to improve your company. You will expand on your thoughts pertaining to the use of all seven tools. If there are tools that you feel would not be beneficial, expand upon why you feel this way. Use your course materials and outside research to generate a solid analysis on why these methods would be helpful. Your analysis should be supported by research.
Your work should be a minimum of two (2) full pages (title and reference page are separate) following APA format.
The seven tools of quality:
1. flow chart
2. run chart
3. process-control chart
4. check sheet
5. pareto diagram
6. cause-and effect diagram
7. scatter diagram