The research paper for this course will be chosen from the general areas identified in the syllabus, and restated below. An "A" paper will follow the guidelines shown in the resource "How to Write a Research Paper". Please review the site thoroughly and apply the APA guidelines. First, choose a general topic, then do some research, using the current text and at least five other scholarly sources. Then select a specific topic, question, to address.
See addendum to course syllabus with regard to your research paper (25% of final grade).
Demonstrate through a research paper comprehensive knowledge of economic systems, specialization, and globalization as well as various contemporary economic issues such as the Great Recession, and income inequality in the U.S. and world.
Research papers will include one of the following general areas (specific topics will be approved by the instructor):
a) Economic Systems
b) Specialization
c) Trade/Globalization*
d) Contemporary Issues in Economics (see specific suggested topics below)
This is where you will submit your paper topic/research question
* Possible topics for generating research question, thesis statement, may include:
Identify what international business is
Understand the global economy
Determine the role of international business in the global economy
Determine reasons countries trade internationally
Identify major international resources
Recognize major U.S. trade partners and patterns
Identify the 3 levels of economic development
Understand how economic development affects international trade
Categorize limitations on free trade
Identify the 4 major influences on international business
Determine how each influence affects international business
Other examples of topics could include:
Define and explain GDP, economic growth or global competition.
Explain the role of government in a market-based system and the policy choices around promoting full employment with minimal inflation.
Describe how entrepreneurs take risks to develop new goods and services to start a business.
Identify the elements of a personal budget and explain why personal spending and saving decisions are important.
Contemporary Issue Topics:
The Great Recession (2007-2008)
Below is an outline of everything required for your paper:
1. Identify the research question
2. Find sources to answer the question
3. Create a List of sources
4. Create a source note for each source
5. Create the thesis statement
5a. Prepare a 'Review of the Literature' Section
5b. Include in Paper after Introduction
7. Write the paper.