Studies illustrate that college students are taking longer to graduate from college. Coordinates illustrate that less students are graduating is less than 5 years. in 1983, coordinates respreseting line of stduents graduating in less than 5 years were (0,58). Where x signifies year in 1983 and y signifies percent graduating is less than 5 years. Next coordinate illustrates 14 years later, in 1997, as follows (14,53). Determine equation of line provided the coordinate.
i. p(x)= 5/14+53
ii. p(x)= -5/14x+58
iii. p(x)= -5/14x+53
iv. p(x)= 5/14x-58
From problem, there was 14 year span used to find equation of line. In 1990, what percent of college students graduated less than five years.
i. 60%
ii. 55.5%
iii. 52%
From problem, forecast percent of how many college students which will graduate in 2008 after less than five years in school.
i. 40%