Determine Effects of probiotics on Animals?
Let us briefly examine the effects that have been reported (remember most of it has been on animals):
1. In animals, probiotics may control tumour production.
2. In humans, probiotics can reduce incidence of intestinal infections. The possible mechanism of action is: the probiotic has some antagonistic effect (direct/indirect) on the pathogen: either through direct chemical antagonism, competition for nutrients or an indirect effect via the immune system by competition for receplors on the epithelial surface.
3. 50% reduction in AAD observed in patients given Saccharomyces boulardii.
4. Significant reduction in diarrhoea incidence among children aged 4-45 months after administration of Lcasei GG. The effect was more pronounced in patients with confirmed rotavirus infection.
5. Can have an antifungal effect during chemotherapy for leukemia. Treatment with a milk preparation containing L. acidophilus and Bifidobacteria sp. markedly reduced the faecal count of Candida.