
determine effect of inadequate calcium intake and

Determine Effect of Inadequate calcium intake and iron deficiency anaemia?

The requirement of iron and calcium is at its peak in adolescence due to an increase in the skeletal mass and blood volume. Ensuring adequate physical activity promotes bone mass and raise in aerobic capacity. Extra helping of milk, fruits and vegetables, iron absorption promoters such as vitamin C rich foods - amla, guava etc. and iron rich food items need special selection for them.

Mere knowledge of food pyramid does not ensure adequate intake of these minerals. They are ensured only after special food selection. Clinicians who work with teenagers including physicians, dietitians and health workers need to be well versed and prepared to discuss and deal with a variety of concerns like body build, acne, skin health, sports nutrition, eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia nervosa, use of steroids, drugs and alcohol abuse, homosexuality, HIVI AIDS, reproductive health counseling etc. Handling this age group requires maturity and body language of being a confident.

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Biology: determine effect of inadequate calcium intake and
Reference No:- TGS0306945

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