Dymac Appliannces uses the periodic inventory system. Details regarding the inventory of appliances at November 1, 2013, purchases invoices for the next 12 months, and the inventory count at Octover 31, 2014 are summarized as followed:file://localhost/Users/AlysaFerer/Desktop/Screen%20Shot%202014-06-19%20at%2012.34.03%20AM.png
Determine the cost of the inventory on October 31,2014 by the FIFO methos. Present data in columnar form using the following headlines: Model, quanitiy, unit cost, total cost. If the inventory of a particular model compromises one entire purchase plus a portion of another purchase acquired at a differnet unit cost, use a seperate line
- Determine the cost f the inventory on oct 31 by the LIFO using the same method as number one.
- Determine the cost of inventory on oct 31 by weighted average cost method, using columanr headings indicated in number one