
Determine appropriate i-10 code for the listed diagnoses

Problem: Using ICD-10-CM code book 2022, the 3M Integrated Code Book, or the 3M Encoder, determine the appropriate I-10 code for each of the listed diagnoses in the case scenario.

A 65-year-old man was found to have guaiac positive stools on routine exams was brought to the endoscopy suite for a colonoscopy. During the colonoscopy, multiple colon polyps were found along with diverticulosis of the large intestine. Biopsy and polypectomy were performed. The path report showed inflammatory tissue in the descending colon and adenomatous polyps at the descending intestine and the cecum.

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Biology: Determine appropriate i-10 code for the listed diagnoses
Reference No:- TGS03242104

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