
Determine and explain the cost function and decision

Problem of your choice: Define a problem of your choice which can be tackled by Biologically Inspired Methods. The problem must satisfy the following requirements:

It must be a meaningful problem but not simply a mathematical function.

It must have at least 4 decision variables.

It must have at least $ constraints.

a. Describe your problem (using your own words). If it is not your own problem, references must be provided. Novelty of the problem will be considered. Simple modification of the applications from Lecture notes is not recommended.

b. Determine and explain the cost function and decision variables.

c. Determine and explain the constraints.

d. Determine and explain the penalised cost function used to achieve problem goal. Briefly explain how it works.

e. Write and show Matlab scripts to obtain the optimal solution using binary genetic algorithm, continuous genetic algorithm, (1+1)-evolution strategy and particle swarm optimisation. Run 10 times for each algorithm. Put statistical results in a table, which should show the best solution, the worst solution, the mean and standard deviation of all solutions for each algorithm. Specify the control parameters for each algorithm, e.g., population size, blkeep, mutation rate, methods of crossover and mutation, etc.

L Comment briefly on the result obtained in terms of reliability and sensitivity of each algorithm.

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MATLAB Programming: Determine and explain the cost function and decision
Reference No:- TGS0644418

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