
Determine and analyse soil physical and mechanical


- Ascertain that the student has gain the knowledge and understanding of the module by solving a series of analytical problems.

- Ascertain that the student has gain the knowledge and understanding of soil exploration, soil in-situ tests.

Learning Outcomes

- To determine and analyse soil physical and mechanical properties by solving a series of analytical problems.
- To write a technical essay about soil exploration methods. Discussing its stages, importance, methods and outcomes.


1. Problem solving:

A proctor compaction test conducted in the laboratory on a soil sample taken from a borrow pit gives a maximum dry density of (1.XY)Mg/m3 and optimum moisture content of 11.5 %. The bulk density and moisture content of the soil in the borrow pit are (1+0.XY/3)Mg/m3and 8.2 % respectively.

A highway sub-base is going to be constructed using this soil. The specifications require the soil to be compacted to 95 % of Proctor compaction.

(a) How many cubic metres of borrow pit material is needed for every 1 cubic metre of the highway sub-base?

(b) The range of moisture content allowable to achieve 95 % compaction is 11 % to 12 %. What is the minimum additional mass of water per unit volume to achieve 95 % compaction?

(c) How many truckloads of soil will be required for a 100,000 m3 of highway sub-base, assuming each truck has a capacity of 18 m3.
Please Note:
- Students are required to solve the above problem and submit it as part of the coursework.
- X and Y is the last two digits of the Student Number

2. Technical report:

A thorough and detailed site investigation is an essential before the design and construction of any civil engineering project. Soil exploration is one of the important stages in any site investigation. Students are required to write an essay about soil exploration by discussing the following:

a) The aim and the objectives of site investigation with reference to any international standard engineering code.

b) The importance of soil exploration and its contribution to the cost and safety of any construction project.

c) Scope/stages of soil exploration programme.

d) In-situ and laboratory soil testing used and their application and limitations.

e) Methods of recording and presenting the outcomes of soil exploration.

Submission Requirement

1. The course work is an individual work and you have to write it in your own words.

2. The report should not be less than 1500 words neatly typed using any word processing software

3. Use White A4 sheet, typed on both sides, Font - Arial, size 11, line spacing - 1.5

4. Support the report with drawings and pictures and similar relevant work examples.

5. Proper referencing should be done for the drawings, pictures and quotes, if it is taken from any other source. CCE referencing style should be followed here.

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Other Engineering: Determine and analyse soil physical and mechanical
Reference No:- TGS02525199

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