
Determine an optimal binary prefix code for efficiency


A discrete time rp x(nTs) with iid symbols and Laplacian distribution

Px(a) = 1/2v0e-|a|v0

is quantized with an uniform quantizer with L levels and step size Δ. Let xq(nTs) be the quantizer output rp.

a) Find alphabet, entropy and information rate of xq(nTs), in the case 1/Ts = 8kHz, L = 6 and = V0/2.

b) Find an optimal binary prefix code for xq(nTs), with the above values for L and and evaluate its efficiency.

c) Show that when L is even Δ = v0 In 2, and there exists a prefix code with unit efficiency for xq(nTs).

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Operation Management: Determine an optimal binary prefix code for efficiency
Reference No:- TGS03001561

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