
determine about the soil and its

Determine about the Soil and its importance

Everyone knows about soil as a resource which fulfils the basic requirement of human kind by supporting variety of plants and other vegetation.  It is difficult to give a unique definition for it, as its observation is quite subjective in nature. In a very broad manner, soil may be visualised as a "thin layer" of  Earth's crust which serves as a natural medium for the growth of plants. However, it has different meanings to different people. To a farmer, soil is that portion of  Earth's surface which he can plough and grow crops to fulfill needs of family and animals.  For a civil engineer, soil is the foundation for all construction activity like roads, buildings, embankment of canals and drains  etc. For an oil technologist, soil clays and clay minerals are the sources o f petroleum cracking agents. Thus, soil is a  vital natural resource which needs proper understanding and management to maintain and improve its productivity, which in turn, helps to maintain a healthy and green environment.  


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Biology: determine about the soil and its
Reference No:- TGS0356039

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