
Determine a the level of service for this segment b the

A six-lane rural freeway segment carries a directional volume of 2500 vph with a 10-percent trucks, 5-percent RVs, and 85-percent passenger cars mix. This segment is located on a 2 percent upgrade, is 1.00 mile long, has 12-ft lanes with obstructions from one side 4 feet from the pavement edge, is used by everyday commuters, has a free-flow speed (FFS) of 70 mph, and has a PHF of 0.85. Determine: a. the Level of Service for this segment; b. the loss in Level of Service, if due to construction the lane width is reduced to 10 feet and there are concrete barriers one foot away from either end of the pavement.

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Civil Engineering: Determine a the level of service for this segment b the
Reference No:- TGS0644122

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