
Determination of useful project and recipient country


Authentic Assessment

The authentic assessment paper focuses on Modules 4-6 and asks you to write a 6-8 page paper that involves conducting the research necessary to carry out an important public sector project. May not use the topic you used for paper 1. You will use the results of your research and the lessons learned in the course concerning public sector management of strategic planning, human resources, marketing and finance, and the role of NGOs and IGOs to develop a plan to implement the project in a specific country or region. You may NOT choose N. America, the US, Canada, Great Britain, Australia or New Zealand.

Determination of Useful Project and Recipient Country or Region/Implementation Plan

This assessment requires a 6-8 page paper. You will research and evaluate alternative solutions to a real-world global public sector problem in a specific country or region and recommend the best course of action.


Step 1: The student selects researches and discusses a common public sector project for example: providing a sustainable source of potable water, a program to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS, micro investment, improving food safety, access to primary education, resettlement of refugees etc. countries.

Step 2: The student selects a real country or region for example: West Africa, Middle East, Cambodia etc. for which the project would be appropriate and explains why the need exists.

Step 3: The student then views that information that has be gathered, assumes the role of a government project manager in the selected country or region and

1. develops an implementation plan for the program including at a minimum the finance, human resources and marketing activities and

2. the consideration of any potentially helpful IGOs and NGOs and what their role may be.

Step 4: Complete the research and write a 6 - 8 page paper that conforms to the following requirements.


It is expected that the sources for this paper will include scholarly research, official reports from governments, IGOs and NGOs, and credible news sources, which are limited to major newspapers such as The Washington Post, The New York Times, and The Times (London), and to newsweeklies such as TIME and The Economist.


It is expected that the paper will conform to accepted standards of formatting and documentation, including proper citations and references as found in the Manual of Style for Writers by Kate L. Turabian or an equivalent manual of style, such as the MLA or APA guide or UMUC's

Guide to Writing and Research.


The final product should

•The final product should: (Instructor may reformat paper to conform with the below requirements).

o be typed, double spaced [even between paragraphs], 12-point Times New Roman with margins no wider than one inch.

o be paginated and no other headers or footers.

o should be prepared in a word processing software (submit paper in only Microsoft Word or Rich text format only.) Projects may not be submitted in pdf, docm, or .abw

o contain a cover page with you name, the course and title of your project

o Footnotes are mandatory. Only author name and page number in body of paper for example (Smith, pg 44). Full footnotes will be at end of paper not at the end of each page.

o Pictures, Graphs and lists will not be included in the body of the paper. If you need these to support your facts, then they will be placed at end of paper as an addendum, referenced in body of paper, and will not count for your paper length.

o Bibliography is mandatory and will include all sources used, which should include, for each entry, the author, title, city and state of publisher, publisher's name, year, and page number. You may NOT cite Wikipedia as a source in the papers.

o Paper is to be in narrative format and not outline or bullet format. Paper will be reformatted if submitted in outline format.

Paper will be reformatted if not in compliance with formatting rules discussed above to determine true length of paper.

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Other Subject: Determination of useful project and recipient country
Reference No:- TGS01864702

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