
Dtermination of a sized design layout of an

The assignment requires the determination of a sized design layout of an aircraft concept to meet a given mission specification.

The mission specifications are provided on the following pages. The mission specifications vary according to a classification or "variant code", where the letters A-B refer to the overall aircraft type and the variant numbers refer to variations in parameters in each mission. The allocation of a variant code for each student is provided in a separate file online.

The aircraft is to be designed using current technology, for immediate development and entry into service. If the requirements are such that a feasible design solution cannot be achieved, then this should be demonstrated, and a solution proposed that meets relaxed requirements. Any requirements assumed as part of the design process should be clearly stated and justified.

Present a brief summary of the method you have applied, in terms of equations, assumptions procedure and results, so that the overall method and results can be clearly understood. Justify the suitability of the assumptions and the method you have applied. Your discussion should seek to support the design decisions for the critical parameters. This could include the use of references, comparator aircraft, trade studies, sensitivity analyses, analytical equations, or practical reasoning. The discussion should make it clear how an optimum solution was reached.

You are required to conduct all calculations in a single spreadsheet file (or equivalent computer code), and to submit this spreadsheet in addition to your report. The spreadsheet should be saved so that the values correspond to the final design values provided in the report. The spreadsheet is to provide further evidence for the calculations, optimisation and results in the report. Marks are not awarded for the formatting of the spreadsheet, though the clarity of the spreadsheet will assist with ensuring all calculations and optimisation are evidenced.

A "threeview" drawing of your design should be presented. It is recommended to use a CAD package to develop your threeview, though to-scale hand sketches are acceptable. Additional drawings or tables with further detail to summarise the design can be presented. The methods, design decisions and optimisation required to generate the threeview should also be presented.

Configuration Design

The method applied and the results attained are summarised adequately and succinctly.

The design decisions are supported with reference to an appropriate source (e.g. reference, comparator aircraft, calculation or sensitivity study, analytical equation, practical reasoning, etc.)

HD The method is free from errors and produces results to the expected accuracy. The design is developed to an exceptional level of technical detail with evidence of comprehensive optimisation.

Discussion demonstrates exceptionally clear understanding of subject matter, and evidence of creative insight, originality, synthesis and evaluation.

DI The method has minor errors though produces results of expected accuracy. The design is developed to a high level of technical detail with some evidence of optimisation.

Discussion demonstrates strong grasp of subject matter, and evidence of creative insight and synthesis, though some finer points lacking.

CR At least one error in the method significantly affects the accuracy of the results. The design is developed to a high level of technical detail. Discussion demonstrates competent grasp of subject matter, and evidence of solid comprehension and application, though some gaps.

PA Several errors in the method significantly affect the accuracy of the results. The design is developed to an adequate level of technical detail.

Discussion demonstrates competent grasp of subject matter, and evidence of solid comprehension and application, though some gaps.

NN The method is not reported to an adequate level for it to be independently verified and repeated.

No or poor justification for the design decisions is presented. The design is not developed to an adequate level of technical detail


The report is at a standard suitable for professional engineering practice. This includes clear and efficient descriptions, clearly presented and labelled tables and diagrams, correct referencing, correct units, page numbering, consistency in formatting, lack of typos and grammatical errors, etc. The report is in the specified format.

DI The report requires minor corrections to bring it to a standard suitable for professional engineering practice, though the understanding of the technical content is not affected. The report is in the specified format.

CR The report requires minor corrections to bring it to a standard suitable for professional engineering practice, and the understanding of the technical content is affected in at least one area. The report is in the specified format.

PA The report requires significant corrections to bring it to a standard suitable for professional engineering practice, and the understanding of the technical content is affected in several areas. The report is in the specified format.

NN The presentation of the report is such that it is unacceptably poor in comparison with the standard for professional engineering practice, or it prevents understanding of the content in an overall sense. The report is not in the specified format.

Attachment:- assmt-21.pdf

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Other Engineering: Dtermination of a sized design layout of an
Reference No:- TGS0615713

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