
Determination and adjustment mechanisms to a country


International economics

Paper topics and format

The objective of assigning these essays is to give you the opportunity to apply the trade and open economy macro theory you learn in this course to real world issues.

Essay 2

Apply your knowledge of exchange rate regimes, determination and adjustment mechanisms to a country of your choice and make recommendations.


Draw on your knowledge of open-economy macroeconomics to explore the internal and external balance for a country of your choice and make recommendations.

Page limit

The absolute page limit is three pages of text excluding footnotes and appendix table(s) if any. Please do not exceed the page limit though you should not feel compelled to write three pages if you think you have adequately covered the topic writing less than that.

Format and instructions

Please write your name at the back of the paper.

Number your pages.

Use 8 1/2" x 11" paper.

1.5" spacing, size 12 font.

Staple the pages together.

Standard margins are one inch on all sides.

Use footnotes instead of endnotes or document as I have done in my chapters.

Start your references on a fresh page.

For specific paper, footnote, and bibliography format, you may follow Kate Turabian's Chicago Style Guide. Any standard format is acceptable; consistency is what is required.

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Microeconomics: Determination and adjustment mechanisms to a country
Reference No:- TGS01865174

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