
Detect malicious activities to protect the system

Assignment Task: You will be part of the IT team for a fictitious organization who will write a script that would be beneficial to detect malicious activities, or would be used as a means of protecting the network. For example, you might write a script that lists all the files in a directory [dir]. (Note: you may use the examples provided if you wish).

In your paper,

Write two PowerShell scripts:

The first script is one that a hacker might write.

The second script is one that might be used to detect malicious activities or to protect the system from them.

Explain what each script does and how it might benefit a hacker (first script) or an IT professional (second script) in a Word document.

Include the code for both scripts and the screenshots of the two powershell scripts within the attached Word file.

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Computer Network Security: Detect malicious activities to protect the system
Reference No:- TGS03229367

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