
Detainees have partaken in employment programs all through

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For years the Beaufort County's inmate work program has been surrounded with scandals. This issue was brought to light recently when an inmate enrolled in the program attempted suicide. In the recent past cases of corruption have been reported but no charges filled(Demos 25). All scandals point the finger at a failing system; the failing Beaufort County's inmate work program. It is high time that something is done. This essay takes a focus on Beaufort County's inmate work program stressing that it needs to be revisited to identify ways it can be improved to ensure inmates and their families and specifically children are being taken care of.

Beaufort County's Current Inmate Work Program

Detainees have partaken in employment programs all through Beaufort County. Not just have they been adding to the upkeep of the Beaufort County Sheriff's Office facilities, but also have additionally been giving genuinely necessary minimal effort work for other province benefit associations, for example, the fire division, park services, street, water and sewer administrations (Duguid 22). On this program, an inmate would pay $25 program fee per day. The income would usually pay for the supervision and detainees in this program considered it a better way to pay back society for their crime.


The system has been work quite well for the inmates until the population increased. The conditions worsened, and the prisoner's program became a costly problem and prisoner now were willing to do anything to get into the program. It started with favors then later bribery an inmate was severely hurt by his fellow inmates when he refused to swap his place. Another prisoner was subjected to torture on the basis he would not trade his spot for the program.

Behind Bars Unable to Pay Child Support

In the United States, non-custodial guardians can hope to pay 17% of their pay for one youngster, 25% for two, 29% for three and 31% for four (Duguid 14). What's more, if there are different moms, whoever records initially gets the most, The inmate's program pays inmates close to $4.17 a day for the lucky ones who gets the jobs.This amount barely makes a dent in the ability to pay child support debts. With the corruption currently decorating these inmates work program things could not get any worse. Those who needs this program the most and are eligible have been ripped off this chance of reducing the child support debt.

The children that have an incarcerated parent feel the pinch too at this times of economic turmoil. With single parent or guardian barely managing to take care of the bills and basic needs the kids are in a prison of their own too. A prison of mental and physical pain. With such harsh conditions, the child may end up on the streets as a thug and might end up going to the real penitentiary (Duguid 34).

What Needs to be Done

The intentions of inmates work program has been good from the beginning. They may have missed the mark when formulating the system to work for the common man, but that doesn't mean it cannot be revisited and amended to work for its true purpose. There some few things the government has done to ease pressure on the child support for inmates, for instance, former United States President Barrack Obama introduced regulatory amendments that would need states to reduce the amount of alimony paid while a guardian is incarcerated. This was a good move, but it doesn't address the issue at its root (Prison Work Programs 67).

Beaufort County's jail establishes severe punishment for anyone found guilty of corruption cases. This is the biggest problem that's making the system fail, and even new amendments were made they would be corrupted. When the program is honest that's when the government should revisit it and amend it to ensure it serves its intended purposes. Furthermore, the pay needs to be checked so that it is also fair for the working inmates.

The Opposition

A few people, however, would not wany the reassess of this program as it has become a business to them. It is stated that some warden is the main bribe-beneficiaries and are enjoying quite a big cut hence the reason why they fake reports to show the system is working while in the real sense it is not. The government is also reluctant on improving the program especially in raising wages for the inmates as this would require new allocations from the government.


The rise of wages would not be significantly significant if a proper crackdown on corrupt officials would be done (Demos 45). As it is the prison industries is a money generating business. Some percentage of the income generated is lost to corruption. The increase and reforms would comfortably be covered if these funds were not lost. The main aim should be to crack down on corruption.


The Beaufort County's inmates work program is an excellent program that can help inmates doing time still provide child care support. The government needs to revisit this plan for it to cater for the children of prisoners. Amendments and fight on corruption would see this program help many families.

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Business Management: Detainees have partaken in employment programs all through
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