Details of production warehouse move project


Project Schedule Changes

You have kicked off the District 4 Production Warehouse Move project, your contractors are in place and working on receiving the proper building permits.

You originally were told the permits would only take 2 weeks to obtain but the contractors are telling you it will now take 3 weeks. You need to build the additional week into your schedule for each permit that will be obtained.

In addition, your framing and drywall contractors have just told you they are running late on their other jobs and can only release half their crew for your project. This will double their schedule.

Build the extra time into your schedule by doubling the installation work timelines for both the framing and drywall. Your project plan should also be updated with the new 3-week timeline for obtaining permits. Use the project plan you created for this task.

You are now looking at an extended project delivery date. Your project sponsor was very clear that you must be done in a 4 month timeframe so you will need to look at options for reducing your schedule to fit into the 4 month window.

You have an option of hiring another contractor to help with the framing and drywall work but it will increase your budget by $200,000.

Determine your best course of action for bringing this project in on schedule and update your project plan to reflect your recommendation. Develop a 5-6 slide presentation for senior management outlining your proposed solution. You are seeking approval to proceed with your new plan.

Attachment:- Production Warehouse Move Project Details.rar

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Project Management: Details of production warehouse move project
Reference No:- TGS01955592

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