
Detailing the tax implications for your manager

Assume you are employed as a graduate tax accountant and have been asked to detail to your manager, the Australian income tax implications of the following facts relating to Mrs Gilling, who is a major client of the accounting firm that you work for. In your analysis you should specifically address the following facts:

a) Entering into the agency contract

b) Benefits paid by Alesse to Mrs Gilling for travel to negotiate the terms of the agency and luggage set

c) CostofattendingannuallaunchpaidbyBronx

d) Product support payments etc paid by Bronx to Alesse

e) Sale of 20% of shares in Bronx by Mrs Gilling

f) New showroom CGT cost base

g) Insurance payment and cost of hail damage

h) Silvio staying in Australia permanently

As you are detailing the tax implications for your manager, who will ultimately draft the letter of advice, you should provide comprehensive written analysis including the justification and authority for your conclusions, relevant sections and case law.

Calculations without written analysis will not be sufficient .

With respect to any calculations provided to your manager it is recommended (but not essential and no marks will be lost if you do not) that you use an Excel-spread sheet to provide the detail.

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Accounting Basics: Detailing the tax implications for your manager
Reference No:- TGS01240665

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The solution provides the tax implications relating to Mrs. Grilling. The case study is in relation to bronx lighting ltd of which 100% shares are held by Mrs. Grilling, a contract negotiated with Alesse, and an Italian marketing manager Silvio. The calculations wherever required are provided and the tax implications of the transactions entered have been discussed with supporting case laws and references.

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