Detailed the health effects of solvents-based paint

Problem: A manufacturing company is using new solvents-based paint and thinner in large quantity in one of their workstations for the past six months. Recently, few workers had reported on symptom of headache, nausea and skin irritation. The workers are amongst those who exposed to the solvents during their working hours. The CEO of the company had appointed you, who are competent industrial hygienist, to investigate on this matter and prepare a report.

A. Explanation of the solvents-based paint and thinner, the possible chemicals containing in the paint and thinner, and its health effects if exceeded the Permissible Exposure limit. PEL Detailed introduction of solvents-based paint and thinner as well as the possible chemicals containing in the paint and thinner.

B. Detailed the health effects of solvents-based paint and thinner if exceeded the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL).

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Reference No:- TGS03281592

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