Detailed Description:
• The program will take temperature readings as input from user for specified number of consecutive days.
• Program will store these temperature values into an array.
• Then it will pass this array to three different functions.
• One function will return highest temperature, one will return lowest temperature and third one will return average temperature.
• All these functions will be called inside main() function where these temperature results will be displayed to the user.
Sample Output:
Enter the number of consecutive days to read their temperature : 5
Enter temperature for day 1: 50
Enter temperature for day 2: 80
Enter temperature for day 3: 30
Enter temperature for day 4: 92
Enter temperature for day 5: 47
The average temperature is 59.80
The highest temperature is 92.00
The lowest temperature is 30.00
The array containing temperature values must be passed to three different functions to return average, highest and lowest temperatures. Marks will be deducted if assignment is solved with some other technique.