
Detail whos who and global mergers in the global oil

Research Paper Analysis (Topic - The Global Oil Industry & the Future of Big Oil)

The International Oil Industry analysis assignment encompasses a well-researched paper and an oral discussion/presentation, regarding the future of big oil multinational companies and the position of United States as a leading oil producer and oil consumer.
In your analysis choose five Oil Multinational Companies, review corresponding annual reports and try to determine whether corporate success implies financial success as measured by return on investment(ROI) and return on assets (ROA). Use tables 1-3 (pp. 16-18) in "Multinational Corporate Sustainability: A Content Analysis Approach" by Riad A. Ajami et al. as a guide. Moreover, in your paper project, you should accomplish the following:

1. Detail who's who and global mergers in the global oil industry (size, scope, scale).

2. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of transnational/business alliances.

3. Explain the impact on global oil producers and consumers, US, Saudi Arabia and others

4. U.S Oil Security

5. U.S Oil Fracking

6. Oil Industry rig count

7. Apply the Edgeworth Box economic analysis to determine the future for U.S oil sustainability and strategic alliances

Groups will consist of the five members chosen during our second class meeting. Each group will present their findings in a town hall format presentation. Each presentation could be 15-20 min. and must be accompanied by a PowerPoint or other visual aid. A copy of PowerPoint must be submitted electronically immediately prior to the presentation. Volunteering for an early presentation date will be helpful to your health, wealth, and grade; otherwise you will be assigned a presentation date.

The 12-15 pp. paper will expand upon the concepts and findings presented in the class. Papers should conform to APA format. Also, like the presentation, the paper must be submitted electronically and in paper format.

Tentative and suggested references:

• Ajami, R. (2004, August 18). ‘Exxon Aramco?' The Wall Street Journal.

• BP Statistical Review of World Energy (2015)

• Fortune Global 500 (2015)

• Ajami, R., et al (2008). Customer Relationship Management: A Global Perspective. Burlington, Vermont: Gower Publishing Ltd.
You may also want to consult the following:

• Foreign Affairs

• Foreign Policy

• Financial Times

• The Economist

• Wall street Journal, New York Times, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, California Management Review, Journal of International Management, among others.

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Dissertation: Detail whos who and global mergers in the global oil
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