Detail two interesting points about placebo and placebo

Assignment task: One of the more interesting concepts in the chapter is placebo and the placebo effect. Cause and effect is always complicated (and therefore rarely deductive). In this discussion, you will consider the placebo effect's implications on some of our every day cause and effect thinking. A. Listen to the videos on Placebo in this Lesson folder. In your textbook, review the section in Chapter 14 on "Assessing Alternative Explanations" Causal Arguments (pages 509-511). The term 'placebo' is formally introduced in Chapter 15 if you would like to learn more about its role in scientific testing. The article below provides enough information for this assignment. B. Write your response to the following. Number your responses and start a new paragraph for each response.

1. Detail two interesting points about placebo and placebo effect.

2. According to Kantar Media (opens in a new window), pharmaceutical companies spent $6.58 billion on advertising in 2020. How does placebo help explain why they spend so much money on ads?

3. How does placebo / nocebo complicate our understanding of cause and effect?

4. Are placebos "fake medicine"? If a sugar pill relieved your headache as well as over the counter pain relievers, which would you take? Your response to the three items above should be at least 200 words (though | do not grade-on word count alone). Respond to at least two classmates for full credit.

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