Give a proposed design and analysis, principal features and working principle of any mechanisms using diagrams to show how and why the design works. The engineering science and calculations that underpin the design. (2 pages)
A model spring-powered car is to be designed and built that drives and stops close to a target in the shortest time possible.
You should aim to communicate:
(i) The novelty of the design.
(ii) The principal features and the working principle of any mechanisms using diagrams to show how and why the design works.
(iii) The engineering science that underpins the design.
(iv) The calculations that estimate vehicle mass, the distance and time of travel under the action of the spring force, speed of the vehicle after the spring has completely retracted and total time of travel for the vehicle to reach the target distance.
(v) Detail design of the overall car and the power transmission, spring-priming and brake mechanisms. The mechanisms are expected to be well-engineered such that their performance is repeatable and adjustable to suit the set target.