
Despite the increased public awareness about food choices

Despite the increased public awareness about food choices, dietary practices, and physical activity, American continues to grow fatter. Obesity rates continue to increase being called an epidemic. More than 67% of Americans are either overweight or obese. Mexican- American children are more likely to be obese than white children. Black girls are more likely to be obese than white girls. This factor predisposes them to cardiovascular disease that usually carries into adulthood (Food and Nutrition Service, 2010, p. 3).
I would consider #1. Food choices. #2.Dietary practices #3.Physical activity to be my list of important points to teach.

Education about food choices has shown to increase behavior. Education in benefits to eating more fruits and vegetables and then providing salad bars in schools has shown to increase in desired behavior (Food and Nutrition Service, 2010, p. 5). Kids are capable of learning that everything they put into their body affects them. Adults are the example to healthy eating. Avoid calling foods good or bad, most foods have a place in their diets. Portion size, listening to hunger cues, limiting sweets, and eating dinner with the family are great modeling points (Booth, n.d.).

Dietary practices are steeped deep in tradition. Mexican-Americans eat different than African-Americans. Understanding the cultural practices can help to incorporate modifications for healthier habits. The term dietary acculturation is the process of adopting a majorities cultures, attitudes, and beliefs into their own. We see the adoption of more processed foods, more convenience foods, salty snack, and fatty foods into people's lifestyles (Lockyear, 2004, p. 2). Look how McDonalds has gone global and obesity rates rise with it.
Physical activity guidelines recommend children 6-17 of age get 60 min of physical exercise or more per day. It emphasized that it is important to get children to try a variety of activities (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, n.d.). When children find something they like to do it can become a habit for life.


Booth, S. (n.d.). Teaching kids to eat healthy. Retrieved from


Food and Nutrition Service. (2010). Nutrition education and promotion: the role of the FNS in helping low-income families make healthier eating and lifestyle choices (). Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.

Lockyear, P. L. (2004). Cultural differences in diet and heart health among women. Retrieved from


Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.(n.d.).


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Dissertation: Despite the increased public awareness about food choices
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