
Despite the fact that we lost the contract we must at this

Flabby Expressions
Revise the following sentences to eliminate flabby expressions.

a. Despite the fact that we lost the contract, we must at this point in time move forward.
b. In the event that interest rates increase, we will begin investing in the very near future.
c. We cannot fill the order until such time as payment is received for previous shipments.
d. As a general rule, we would not accept the return; however, we will in all probability make an exception in this case.
e. In very few cases will investors buy stocks that fail to pay dividends or increase in value.

Long Lead-Ins
Revise the following to eliminate long lead-ins and wordiness.

a. This message is to let you know that I received your e-mail and its attachments.
b. This memo is to notify everyone that we will observe Monday as a holiday.
c. I am writing this letter to inform you that your homeowner's coverage expires soon.
d. This is to warn everyone that the loss of laptops endangers company security.
e. In the majority of instances, most of the shipping errors can be attributed to mistakes in the preparation of the address label.

There is/are and it is/was Fillers
Revise the following to avoid wordy fillers.

a. There are many businesses that are implementing strict e-mail policies for employees.
b. It is the CEO who must approve the plan.
c. There are several Web pages you must update.
d. The manager says that there are many employees who did not return the health surveys.
e. It is my personal opinion that there are too many people dying while taking dangerous selfies.

Revise the following to avoid redundancies.

a. Because the proposals are exactly identical, we need not check each and every item.
b. Some of the funniest animated gifs on Twitter, Tumblr, and Reddit combine together clips from movies or TV to produce comedic masterpieces.
c. It was the consensus of opinion that all office walls be painted beige in color.
d. Our supervisor requested that team members return back to the office.

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Dissertation: Despite the fact that we lost the contract we must at this
Reference No:- TGS02473752

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