
Desirable approach for developing subordinates

Complete the mcq:

1) Which of the following personality traits indicates the degree to which a person is unemotional and pragmatic and believes that ends can justify means?

a) Agreeableness
b) Extraversion
c) Narcissism
d) Machiavellianism

2) Which of the following is the least desirable approach for developing subordinates?

a) Provide constructive feedback about effective and ineffective behavior
b) Ask specific questions to help the person analyze his or her performance
c) Provide opportunities to learn from experience
d) Provide detailed instructions on how to carry out each assignment

3) Which of the following statements is true regarding a merit-based pay plan?

a) It is also called competency-based pay plan.
b) A typical merit-based pay plan provides no base salary and pays the employee only for what he or she produces.
c) Unions typically resist merit-based pay plans.
d) It bases pay levels on how many skills employees have or how many jobs they can do.

4) Which of the following refers to bottom-line conclusions individuals have about their capabilities, competence, and worth as a person?

a) Core self-evaluation
b) Machiavellianism
c) Authoritarianism
d) Self-monitoring

5) Those with a ________ personality identify opportunities, show initiative, take action, and persevere until meaningful change occurs, compared to others who passively react to situations.

a) proactive
b) high Mach
c) high self-monitoring
d) type A

6) The _____ is a personality assessment model that taps basic dimensions which encompass most of the significant variation in human personality, namely extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience.

a) Birkman Method
b) Big Five Model
c) Keirsey Temperament Sorter
d) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

7) Which of the following terms describes basic convictions that "a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite mode of conduct"?

a) Values
b) Emotions
c) Feelings
d) Attitudes

8) Alex was sent to Beijing to help local managers solve the problem of growing worker dissatisfaction at their manufacturing facility located in the city. As part of his visit, he decided to have a town hall meeting with the workers to understand the problems that they were facing and the reasons for their discontent. The turnout at the meeting was substantial; however, when asked for their opinions and suggestions, the crowd fell silent. As a result, Alex was unable to determine the reason for employee dissatisfaction. Which of the following, if true, best explains this situation?

a) Alex was sent to Beijing as he was one of the few employees conversant in the local language.
b) The employees are genuinely concerned about improving their lot.
c) There is an unequal distribution of power in the company.
d) A small portion of the workers at the facility belong to the Baby Boomers generation.

9) Which of the following is Theory X consistent with?

a) The principles of participative management
b) The autocratic style of managing people
c) The vertical enhancement of jobs to enhance autonomy
d) The use of recognition and achievements to motivate employees

10) Which of the following refers to the tendency to be arrogant, have a grandiose sense of self-importance, require excessive admiration, and have a sense of entitlement?

a) Stoicism
b) Narcissism
c) Asceticism
d) Cynicism

11) Which dimension of the Big Five Model is a measure of reliability?

a) Agreeableness
b) Conscientiousness
c) Extroversion
d) Emotional stability

12) The ________ pay plan has long been popular as a means of compensating production workers by paying a fixed sum for each unit of production completed.

a) competency-based
b) profit sharing
c) piece-rate
d) gainsharing

13) ________ is an extrinsic means of motivation.

a) Flexibility
b) Responsibility
c) Salary
d) Recognition

14) Which of the following is an instrumental value according to the Rokeach value survey?

a) Economic success
b) Meaning in life
c) Personal discipline
d) Social recognition

15) Milton Rokeach created the Rokeach Value Survey (RVS) which consisted of two sets of values, namely ________ values and ________ values.

a) fluid; stable
b) flexible; enduring
c) instrumental; terminal
d) flexible; essential

16) Which of the following is most likely to be a drawback of highly conscientious people according to the Big Five Model?

a) They are unlikely to engage in numerous risky behaviors such as smoking and drinking
b) They focus on learning instead of performing a job
c) They do not adapt well to changing contexts
d) They emphasize excessively on being creative

17) Supportive leadership is most likely to result in what outcome for subordinates?

a) Stronger organizational commitment
b) Better coordination among subordinates
c) Stronger satisfaction with the leader
d) Better performance by subordinates

18) With reference to John Holland's personality-job fit theory, people belonging to the investigative type prefer

a) activities that involve thinking, organizing, and understanding
b) ambiguous and imaginative activities that allow creative expression
c) activities that involve helping and developing others
d) physical activities that require skill, strength, and coordination

19) With reference to the Hofstede's Framework for Assessing Cultures, ________ emphasizes a tight social framework in which people expect others in groups of which they are a part to look after them and protect them.

a) collectivism
b) uncertainty avoidance
c) long-term orientation
d) masculinity

20) With reference to the job characteristics model, which of the following defines skill variety?

a) The degree to which a job requires a variety of different activities tapping different abilities
b) The degree to which work activities generate direct and clear information about performance
c) The degree to which a job provides the worker freedom in scheduling and procedure
d) The degree to which a job requires completion of a whole and identifiable piece of work

21) According to Blake and Mouton, effective leaders are most likely to facilitate subordinate growth and development by having

a) a high concern for the task and a moderate concern for relationships
b) a high concern for both the task and relationships
c) a moderate concern for the task and a high concern for relationships
d) a moderate concern for both the task and relationships

22) Which of the following guidelines for recognizing an employee's performance was recommended?

a) Give praise in private to avoid embarrassing the recipient
b) Provide more recognition to people in essential, high-visibility jobs
c) Actively look for effective behavior or contributions to recognize
d) Provide recognition only for outstanding performance

23) Adam Sears is an assembly-line employee with Swenson Motors. Though Adam is popular among his supervisors and colleagues, Adam experiences low morale and lack of motivation. He feels frustrated that his job is restricted to fixing nuts and bolts on the car parts. He fears that he has no chances of advancing in his career as he cannot completely assemble a car. Which of the following is true with regard to Adam?

a) Adam's job has a high span of control.
b) Adam's job has low task identity.
c) Adam's job has high task complexity
d) Adam's job has low role definition

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