Create an Android app that will be used to enter student grades for college courses.
Develop three screens as follows:
• The first screen should allow the entry of a student id, first name, last name, class id, and class name.
• The second screen should allow the entry of a grade for each student and class that they took. The grade entry will be a number which can range from 0 - 100.
• The third screen should show the student name and overall letter grade for the semester based on the classes that they took. Note: Use the grade conversion table below:
Points Grade
100-90 A
80-89 B
70-88 C
60-69 D
Below 60 F
Use the sample students and grades below:
Student ID Student Name Class ID Class Name Grade
1 Sally Smith 100 Biology 70
1 Sally Smith 110 Gym 90
2 Mark Front 120 English 40
2 Mark Front 110 Gym 10
3 Rick Hart 130 Science 85
3 Rick Hart 100 Biology 90
3 ick Hart 110 Gym 45
4 Justin Jones 140 Computers 45
4 Justin Jones 120 English 70
Design the database using the following fields and criteria:
StudentID VARCHAR(8),
FirstName varchar(20),
Lastname varchar(20),
ClassID varchar(20),
Grade Integer(3),
Lettergrade Varchar(2)