Designing an exercise program


This is a 34-year-old male working a full-time sales position (Monday thru Friday, 9am to 5pm) located in an office building. He goes out to do sales calls three days per week during work hours. When not working he has typical household duties to attend to. He is not married and has no children. He likes biking and walking. He has a gym membership.

a. Taking into consideration this persons typical weekly schedule of activities and events, design a reasonable exercise program using the Activity Pyramid attached. Include the types of activities, the times during the week he will be involved in each activity, and the length of time he will engage in each activity. Choose the activities and schedule them for practical lengths of time and at reasonable frequencies.
b. What everyday changes will need to be made that will increase the energy expended in day-to-day activities?
c. Which activities are aerobic, which improve flexibility, and which are for strength training?
d. Can each of these activities be performed year-round? If not, suggest alternative activities and locations for inclement weather.

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Other Subject: Designing an exercise program
Reference No:- TGS01899029

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