Assessment - Network Analysis using Wireshark
Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) This assignment is designed to develop deeper analytical understanding of different distributed network conditions. At the completion of this assessment students should be able to:
a) Apply key architectures and technologies for networked applications
b) Analyse performance and deployment issues for networked applications
c) Choose appropriate industry tools and techniques to manage networked applications.Assignment Description
The aim of the assignment is to develop an analytical understanding of different distributed network conditions. The assignment will provide an opportunity to understand networkmanagement. This exercises provide an opportunity to demonstrate analytical ability of evaluating distributed systems performance, Quality of Service and service management.
Overview and General Instructions of Assignment
Each student will need to work on an assigned set of website and capture packets on their home network. The students are assigned the set of websites based on their MIT ID from Table 1. After capturing packets from the websitesthe students are required to submit their reports on the Moodle with screen shots of packet capture and the required graphs.The set of websites include a website of a news channel and a website for live streaming. The students are required to capture packets of images and audio from the news channel website and capture packets from the live stream website while streaming for 10 minutes on their home network.
The students are required to analyse the network performance for the assigned websites:
1. Time Sequence Graph
2. Throughput Graph
3. Load Distribution
4. Identify IP Address and TCP port number client
5. Identify the sequence number for TCP SYN
Table 1: Website Allocation
Sno. Website Assigned Last digit of MIT ID
1 0 and 9
2 1 and 8
3 2 and 7
4 3 and 6
5 4 and 5
Introduction Outline of the report.
Network Performance Analyse the network performance for the assigned website, Time Sequence Graph, Throughput Graph, Load Distribution, Identify IP Address and TCP port number client and Identify the sequence number for TCP SYN.
Appropriateness to findings Relate to MN504 content and compare.
Conclusion Write summary of the report.
Reference style Follow IEEE reference style.