

Design a low noise amplifier using an Infineon RF transistor BFP640. The amplifier is to be used to amplify the L2 GPS signal and so the centre frequency is 1227MHz and bandwidth 40MHz. The requirements are a noise figure of less than 1.0dB, a gain of 20dB ±0.3dB and S22 should be less than -15dB over the entire bandwidth.

For this assignment you will need to use the CA2013.zap zipped archived project file and the BFP640 data sheet, both used in Assignment 3. In the project file there is a set of bare schematics and display sheets for ADS on which you can base your solution to this assignment.

The assessment is in the form of a written report that should be submitted in the usual way. In addition, a single archived project file should be submitted via Moodle, called ".zap" (e.g. "1020304.zap"). These files will not be used for marking but to allow me to ensure that there has been no copying of electronic design files.

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Electrical Engineering: designalownoiseamplifierusinganinfineonrftransisto
Reference No:- TGS0417280

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