
Design year-long periodized training program for athlete

Assignment task:

You are working with an amateur bodybuilder who is 12 months out from a bodybuilding competition. Design a year-long periodized training program for the athlete with the objective of optimizing the client's physique at the time of the competition. The training program should include the following:

  • A list of assessments to be performed at the onset of the training program
  • A warm-up and cool-down for each training day
  • A detailed year-long periodized training program including specific exercises, sets, repetitions, suggested rest times, etc. The program should include a Foundational Training phase, a Hypertrophy phase, and a Cutting phase.
  • An explanation as to why you made your recommendations for each phase of training.
  • Nutrition and supplement recommendations to support the bodybuilder during each phase of training.
  • The script should be 1500+ words

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Other Subject: Design year-long periodized training program for athlete
Reference No:- TGS03400493

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