
Design two forms for a new software application or business


Part 1

The topic is about: Historical Review of Information Warfare and strategic nature of information warfare.

You are required to keep a learning journal. Each week, you should add approximately one page to your journal on what you've observed, learned, or experienced that week. This journal is only viewable by you and the professor.

1 full page should be enough

Part 2

Prepare one 5- to 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that includes the following

Design two forms for a new software application or business web app that will collect data from its user. You may not copy forms from some resource. These two forms must be your original work containing 4 to 6 data elements for each form.

Draw these two forms. You may use free tools, such as Pencil Project, Microsoft Paint, Mockabilly (and many others) to create the mock-up interfaces; or you may draw the new forms on a piece of paper and then, take a picture of it.

Include the two forms in your Microsoft PowerPoint. You must copy/paste or insert the mock ups or pictures of your forms into the presentation.

Explain the purpose of the new forms (e.g. what data are being collected, why, what will it do with this data, etc.). (one explanation for each form)

Describe how these new forms meet usability standards. (one slide)

Incorporate additional research or academic information to support your presentation. References to the required reading or recommended activities are encouraged. At least one resource is required. Do not exceed 3 resources. APA citation format requires both Reference section and In-text citations. You must include a reference slide with at least one APA format citation.

Format your PowerPoint speaker notes according to APA guidelines.

Part 2

1) What is the definition of " opportunity cost" ? Give an example.

2) Compare the difference between "Change in Demand "and " Change in Quantity demanded".

3) At what price does Shortage and Surplus occur ? Once a market has shortage and Surplus, then what happens to the market price?

4) With a given demand, if there is a decrease in Supply, what happens to an equilibrium price and output sales?

Part 3

Philosophers applied the three major ethical principles you learned in this class: Kant's Categorical Imperative, Utilitarianism, and Virtue Ethics. In a five paragraph essay, apply ONE ethical theory to decide the moral course of action in the medical case of the premature twins studied.

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Management Information Sys: Design two forms for a new software application or business
Reference No:- TGS02340653

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