A steam, from a steame generator at 160 bar, 540°C having a flow rate of 400 kg/s expands in a high pressure turbine with an isentropic efficiency of 90% to 40 bar. A 16 % of the exhaust steam is used for feedwater heating while the balance is reheated to 540°C. The feedwater enters the economizer at 240°. Flue gases exit the furnace at 1.0 bar, 1100°C then enter a convective superheater and leave at 750°C. The flue gases exit the air preheater at 150°C. Atmospheric air enters the air preheater at 52°C via a forced draft fan. The air to fuel ratio is 20 and the LHV of the burnt fuel is 34.1 ML/kg Cp of the flue gases as 1.15 kJ/kg.K. Make any necessary justified assumptions.
Use the standard tables for scale, fouling resistances and pipe diameters.
Design then summarize the main specifications, operating and controlling parameters, of the following steam generator main components:
a) The furnance, emphasizing its main charateristics,
b) The superheater
c) The reheater
d) The economizer
e) The air preheater, and
f) The stack.