Online processing system:
You are to write a program that computes customers' bill for his/her order in an online processing system. The different components of the program are
1. The CustomerAccount class
2. TheOrder class
3. TheItem class
4. The main program
A. The CustomerAccount class will havethe customers' information. It will alsokeep track of customerID, CustomerName, Address, and phoneNumber. The responsibilities for this class are: AddCustomer, EditCustomer, and deleteCustomer
B. The Order class will information about customer order. It can update the charges for the customer order. It will keep track of orderID, customerID, productID, totalCharge. The responsibilities for this class are: CreateOrder and EditOrder
C. The Item class will have information about different items. It can update the totalCharge variable of theOrder classclass. It will keep track of productID, productPrice, and productDescription. The responsibilities for this class are: Addproduct, EditProduct, and SelectProduct
I. Design the main so that it have a menu that allows theuser to add items to the customer order, and check the customer out by showing the total charges. When the custmoer checks out, the total charges should be displayed.
II. You need to writer constructors and destructors, get functions (to retrieve appropriate attributes) and set functions (to set attribute values) for each class. And any other required functions to perform the requirements
• The parameters and return types of each function and class member function should be decided in advance (during the analysis and design phase).
• Think about what attributes to include in each class
• Think of useful member functions for each class
• The program will be best implemented as a multi-file program.