
Design the database by developing a fully attributed data


The object of the project is to give you the experience of solving a problem using the programming language of your choice and the MySQL database engine. Your database solution is pretty open ended. The main requirements are that your solution contains at least three tables and all of the data in those tables are manipulated by your programming language.



Part 1: Determine a Project

Consider a project that might solve a problem. Write a short report defining what the project is and what the problem is that it is designed to solve. The solution database must contain at least three tables. You may manipulate this database with any programming language you desire.

Part 2: Design the Database

Design the database by developing a fully attributed data model. The model should show all tables. Each table should have a primary key and may have foreign keys. Every field in each table should be identified, along with its data type and size.

Part 3: Create the Database

Create the database and associated tables in your database environment.

Part 4: Design the Menu System and Screens

Design the menu screen and all other screens in your application. This will form a major part of your documentation.

Part 5: Connect to the Database

Establish your connection to the database from your programming language. Here you will need to create your database connection string so that your program can access your data.

Part 6: Write the Add/Change/Delete Routines

Write the programs that will allow you to add a record, change a record, and delete a record for each of the tables in your database.

Part 7: Write the Report

Write the program that will allow you to print and/or display the data in each of the tables in your database.

Laboratory Procedures


1. Understand and become familiar with Table Manipulation.


1. EDUPE Omnymbus Environment (https://devry.edupe.net:8300); and/or
2. MySQL (dev.mysql.com/downloads).


By now you have set up either the Omnymbus environment or the MySQL Server Community environment, or both. You may do the labs in this class on your own computer equipped with MySQL or you may use the MySQL environment hosted by the vendor Omnymbus. You may even use both.

Lab Procedure Continued (common to both environments)

1. Add a table named "Season" to your Baseball database,which consists of the following fields:

a. Season (Integer)
b. PlayDate (date)
c. HomeTeam (character 5)
d. HomeTeamScore (Integer)
e. AwayTeam (character 5)
f. AwayTeamScore (Integer)

2. Populate the table with 56 unique games where each plays the other 7 twice (once as the home team and once as the away team). Make the season equal to this year. Leave the scores blank and use any date for the PlayDate.

3. Create another table called "PastSeasons" by copying the structure of the table "Season" and copying all the data from "Season" into the new table.

4. Replace the Season field in the table Season with next year for all records.

5. Unload the Season table data to a comma-delimited file.

6. Load the comma-delimited file to PastSeasons table, appending the data to the data that is already there.

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Database Management System: Design the database by developing a fully attributed data
Reference No:- TGS02234011

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