
Design simulate and test an audio amplifier which delivers

Electronics Lab Assignment: Audio Amplifier Project

This is a group project which will require working with another student. The project is a design project using Multisim with the requirements given below. The project is due on the last day of the term.

Project Definition:

Design, simulate, and test an Audio Amplifier which delivers one of the above power outputs to an 8? speaker load. The output power of your design and the input signal of your design must be selected from the above list. The audio frequency range is between 20 Hz to 20 KHz, so the operating frequency of your design will be within this range. The measuring equipment should display the output power and the input signal of your design. You are required to use either or both NPN and PNP transistors, but not an op-amp. It is recommended that you use multistage amplification of any class amplifiers of your choice. You should try to minimize your usage of components and be cost effective.

Project Deliverable: Report and the multisim design for your project

Each student will submit an individual report. The report should, as a minimum, include the following:

• Title Page (Name, Partners name, like the table they have in the document)

• Description of your project (including the specifications you selected)

• Design methodology (show calculations and provide rationale for design choices; remember that your choices must take into consideration commonly available parts)

• Final schematic in Multisim

• Components/Parts list with cost and total project cost

• Simulation results for your design

• Testing process and results for characterization and validation of your teammate's design - screenshots along will not suffice. Description of process is required along with discussion of results.

• Project Challenges: Note any difficulties you faced during the completion of your design and how you overcame them

• Team Interaction Reflection: Describe how you used Blackboard to facilitate interaction, how you worked with one another in the design phase, challenges you encountered, methods you employed to overcome any challenges.

• Teammate Assessment: Use the Project Participation Rubric below and give your teammate a ranking of Needs Improvement, Competent, or Excellent for the first two items in the rubric: Interacts professionally and Plans and organizes team effort. Be sure to justify your ranking.

• Conclusion

• References

Lab Template


Write one to two paragraphs about the Lab. Explain the following information for this lab:

- What are the goals to achieve in the lab?
- What are the expectations of the lab?
- How will you be implementing this lab?
- What will you try to measure?


List the type of equipment or components that you will be using? Where will you find these components? How will you use these components in Multisim/VHDL? Explain any adjustments required such as tolerances.


Briefly describe how you will approach the problem and try to solve the lab, describe and explain any techniques/rules/laws/principles you would use. Outline each step of the process.

Circuit design:

Take a screenshot of the circuit/logic from Multisim/VHDL as asked in the lab assignment before you run the circuit and paste it here in your report.


Run the circuit in Multisim/VHDL and copy/paste the results from the simulation including any readings, plots or graphs.

Copy/Paste the screenshots for all the measurements required in the lab here. Be sure to add a title and explain what each of the screenshots represent.


Analyze the results obtained from Multisim/VHDL and compare those to your calculated results (if required).

Answer the following questions:

- What did you discover/confirm?
- Use tables and diagrams to record results.
- Compare calculations with the measured values.
- Analyze your results.

Explain if your simulation is correct or incorrect and why. If the results are confirmed, then your measurements are correct. If they are not confirmed, explain what the problem is. You will need to discuss how to troubleshoot the circuit to achieve the correct results.


Summarize the entire lab in 1 to 2 paragraphs with the results and analysis in mind.

Answer any questions asked in the lab assignment here.

Cite any sources that you may use in your report.

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Other Engineering: Design simulate and test an audio amplifier which delivers
Reference No:- TGS02567727

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