
Design materials or textures for your model and the objects

Task 1: 3D Modelling and Rendering

In this task, you are required to model a human character and render it in a suitably set scene.

(1) The Model
The model should represent the features of a human face, i.e., eyes, nose, mouth and ears. Other "small" body features, such as teeth, hairs, feet and hands, can be treated as single objects and approximated by shapes of their outlines.

(2) Modelling Methods
To show that you can use important modelling techniques competently, you must use Polygon Mesh (editable mesh or editable poly) or spline surfaces (Bezier patch or NURBS), or a combination of them as the main modelling method by which most of your modelling work will be done. In addition to the main method, you are expected to use other modelling techniques and appropriate modifiers in situations where their use is deemed to be necessary.

NB: When modelling, DO NOT collapse the modifiers to convert the entire model into one single editable mesh object or do anything that would prevent the assessors from accessing the modelling sequences and identifying the techniques used. This information will be used as evidence that you have used the claimed modelling techniques. If it is absolutely necessary to collapse the modifiers at a major step, you should save an intermediate file (in the format of appropriate version of 3DS Max) before collapsing them and submit the intermediate file with your submission pack. Failing to comply with this requirement may result in a maximum of 10 marks being deducted.

(3) Textures and Materials
Design materials or textures for your model and the objects in the scene so that they render with appropriate surface properties, i.e., correct colours, glossiness, softness or texture.

(4) Scene Design & Rendering
Choose a photograph as the background of rendering environment. If necessary, create a simple scene such as a room for your character. Design appropriate lighting for the scene so that the character blends well with the background when rendered. Choose and justify a suitable rendering method and rendered the scene from a viewpoint that best demonstrates your work.

(5) Report
A short report (no more than 1000 words) that discusses CONCISELY any modelling decisions (not operational details), material, scene and lighting designs, and rendering method selection. Use screenshots where appropriate.

Task 2: Figure Animation

In this task you are required to create a short animation (approximately 15 seconds) of a human or an equivalent (in complexity) biped character/creature.

(1) Motion Selection & Design
The motion/action can be an imitation of real-life activities such as dancing, doing sports, and etc., or artistic impressions of such activities. The animation should convey a story, a concept or feelings. A meaningless aggregation of actions or a monotonic periodical action (e.g., a gait cycle in walking) will be considered as a serious design failure. Apply the animation principles whenever possible in your design and implementation. You are NOT allowed to use motion capture data to animate the character.

(2) Skin Models
In principle, you should use the model developed in Task 1 as the skin of your character. However, if you decide that it is impossible or inappropriate to use the model of Task 1, at no disadvantage to you and with permission and acknowledgement, you can use other reasonably accurate models that you can find from various resources (e.g., books and websites) or the skin models provided with this assignment.

(3) Skeleton Design & Skin Binding
You can use the default biped provided with 3DS Max, but you should customize it to suit the needs of your character. Binding the skin to the biped should leave no exposed skeleton, excessive mesh collapse/ distortion. All binding envelopes should be correctly set. Take screenshots of the shoulder, hip and angle joints when they are bent to about 45 degrees and include the screenshots in your report.

(4) Rendering
Design a suitable scene and lighting for your animation and render the animation in .avi format at a resolution of no higher than 640 x 480. The video should focus more on showing the motion of the character than on any fancy camera motion.

(5) Report
A short report (no more than 1000 words) that documents the motion design such as storyboarding and keyframe selection, biped customisation, and skin binding (including the required screenshots in Requirement 3).

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Computer Graphics: Design materials or textures for your model and the objects
Reference No:- TGS02737099

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