
design issues of interconnection networkbelow are

Design Issues Of Interconnection Network

Below are the issues, which must be considered when designing an interconnection network.

1)  Size and Dimension of network:  It must be determined how many PE's are there in network and what the dimensionality of the network is, it implies that with how many neighbours, every processor is associated. 

2)  Symmetry of the network: It is significant to concern whether the network is symmetric or not means that whether all processors are associated with equal number of processing elements or processing elements of edges or corners have variant number of adjacent elements.

3)  Data communication strategy: It means that whether all processors are communicating   with one another at a single time unit asynchronously or synchronously on demand basis. 

4)   Message Size:  It refers that how much data a processor is able to transmit in one time unit. 

5)   Start up time:  It's the time needed to start the communication process. 

6)  Data transfer time: How long does it take for a message to get to other processor.   Whether this time is function of link distance amid two processors or it relies on the number of nodes coming in between. 

7)  The interconnection network is dynamic or static: It means whether configuration of interconnection network is ruled by algorithm or algorithm permits flexibility in deciding the path.


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Computer Networking: design issues of interconnection networkbelow are
Reference No:- TGS0323553

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