Design condenser of steam power plant for thermal efficiency

Design the condenser of a steam power plant that has a thermal efficiency of 40 percent and generates 10 MW of net electric power. Steam enters the condenser as saturated vapour at 10kPa, and it is to be condensed outside horizontal tubes through which cooling water from a nearby river flows. The temperature rise of the cooling water is limited 8 degC, and the velocity of the cooling water in the pipes is limited to 6 m/s to keep the pressure drop at an acceptable level. From prior experience, the average heat flux based on the outer surface of the tubes can be taken to be 12,000 W/m^2. Specify the pipe diameter, total pipe length and the arrangement of the pipes to minimize the condenser volume.

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Mechanical Engineering: Design condenser of steam power plant for thermal efficiency
Reference No:- TGS0749727

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