Design class complex for working with complex numbers

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Q: Design class Complex for working with complex numbers of the form a + bi, where i is the square root of -1. Your class must have two overloaded operators for adding and subtracting the complex numbers. The sum and the difference of two complex numbers a + bi and c + di is defined as (a+c) + (b+d)i (respectively, (a-c) + (b-d)i). The operators must throw exceptions in places where an integer overflow might occur. To check for an integer overflow, compare one of the numbers to add or subtract with the maximum (resp. minimum) integer representable in 4 bytes BEFORE the corresponding operation. Also, write a main method that demonstrates handling of the exceptions by printing warnings to the user.

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C/C++ Programming: Design class complex for working with complex numbers
Reference No:- TGS01937295

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