
Design and testing of dc power supply

Assignment Project: Design and Testing of DC Power Supply

Aim: The aim of this project is to design, simulate and investigate a DC Power Supply has the following specifications:

- Input: 220V AC

- Output: 9V DC

- Minimum RL = 400

- Ripple factor r = 0.05

The general block diagram for this project is given below. It is very simple. It has the following four main sub-blocks.

2347_Block diagram-DC Power Supply.jpg

Part 1: Design the circuit, determine all the theoretical calculation.

Part 2: Simulate the proposed circuit using multisim software.

Part 3: Each student has to produce a technical report (see project format page)

Title, summary, introduction, theoretical discussion, results analysis, conclusions and references.

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Electrical Engineering: Design and testing of dc power supply
Reference No:- TGS03052754

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