Title: Two-Port Networks
You will undertake a number of problem solving techniques designed to develop your understanding of two-port networks.
In this assignment, you will need to show that you can:
(Task 1) Apply two-port network model to the solution of practical problems
(Task 2) Design and test symmetrical attenuators against computer models
Merit Descriptors In order to achieve a Merit the learner must:
Indicative Characteristics The learners evidence shows:
Contextualised Evidence. To achieve the grade you will need to.
M1 - Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions.
Complex problems with more than one variable have been explored.
Explains the analysis of the steps in the task in a professional manner.
M3 - Present and communicate appropriate findings.
A range of methods of presentation have been used and technical language has been accurately used.
Produce a fully detailed report that users technical language fluently.
Distinction Descriptors In order to achieve a Distinction the learner must:
Indicative Characteristics The learners evidence shows:
Contextualised Evidence. To achieve the grade you will need to.
D3 - Demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative thinking
Problems have been solved
Prove form first principle that a nominal T-network
Z0 = √(ZA2 + 2ZAZB)
And a nominal π-network
Z0 = √(Z1Z22/Z1 + 2Z2)
You are an electronics engineer working for a company who specialise in developing two-port networks. You have been asked to analyse a customer's specifications.
TASK 1: (Apply two-port network model to the solution of practical problems)
Part A: For each of the attenuators shown in Fig 1 below determine the characteristic impedance R0.
Part B: For the attenuator shown in Fig 2 below determine:
(i) the input resistance when the output port is open circuited.
(ii) the input resistance when the output port in short circuited.
(iii) the characteristic impedance of the network.
Task 2: (Design and test symmetrical attenuators against computer models)
Part A: A T-section attenuator is needed to provide voltage attenuation of 30 dB with a characteristic impedance of 500 Ω. Design an appropriate attenuator. Ensure you show all of your calculations.
Using simulation software, model the attenuator you have designed to determine if your circuit meets the requirements. Is the attenuation as expected? Is the input resistance the same as the load resistance? You should include printouts indicate.
Part B: Design π-network attenuator that will have a characteristic impedance of 50 Ω and an attenuator of 6 dB. Ensure you show all of your calculations.
Using simulation software, model the attenuator you have designed in top determine if your circuit meets the task requirements. Is the attenuation as expected? Is the input resistance the same as the load resistance? You should include printouts of your results, these should be appropriately annotated and clearly explain what the printouts indicate.
Opportunity for Merit and Distinction:
Part A: For a nominal T-network terminated by an impedance Z0 and the "looking-in" impedance is also Z0.
Prove form first principles that Z0 = √(ZA2 + 2ZAZB)
(The derivation must be step by step and reference if any must be included).
Part B: For a nominal π-network terminated by an impedance Z0 and the "looking-in" impedance is also Z0.
Prove form first principles that Z0 = √(Z1Z22/Z1 + 2Z2)
Part C: Produce a fully detailed report that uses technical language fluently and clearly explains the analysis of the steps in task 3 in a professional manner.
To write only merit and distinction.
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