
Design and implement a usable internet application for use

This assignment will assess learning outcomes:

Learning Outcomes

1. Design and implement a usable Internet application for use on multiple browsers, including connections to a well-designed database using server and client side scripting.

2. Create a Web application applying Web standards and accessibility guidelines.

3. Discuss the technical issues in interactive Web applications.

4. Discuss Web usability concepts and their applications in interactive Website design, including page, site and content design.

5. Compare and contrast different types of Web applications and the differences in their content and design.

Assignment Topic: Online Hotel Reservation

There are web applications for online hotel reservations which connect hotels with global clients by providing them the unique search and book functionality. Design an online hotel reservation system for any hotel in which customers can make searches on the hotel reservation's web site. The administrator information and approve/disapprove a new customer's account application. In this application there are the following roles

1. Admin

An administration can add edit, delete room details, check booking status, cancel booking status sales report, add staff details, view and search customers profiles(booking and cancellation )

2. Customer

A customer can add profile, edit profile, add booking, cancel booking and edit booking
The completed application will be assessed by a demonstration your application should run with internet explorer, Google chrome, Mozila Firefox.

Write a properly referenced report, which includes the following:

a. Section 1. Introduction of the assignment. This includes the background and aims of the assignment and the target audience. This should also discuss the problems that prompt the proposal of the assignment.b. Section 2. Research and Planning. This chapter includes an investigation into some similar projects/products. This should explicitly identify the similarities or differences of the assignment to the products or sites being investigated. The systems analysis and design tools as well as the development tools to be used in the assignment together with the research plan of activities with a timeline should be reflected here.

- Backup and recovery plans, which should detail the procedures for disaster/recovery, backup, and the contingency measures needed in order to maintain the system or to keep it up-to-date.

- A discussion of possible improvements that can be made on the application

b. Section 2. Research and Planning. This chapter includes an investigation into some similar projects/products. This should explicitly identify the similarities or differences of the assignment to the products or sites being investigated. The systems analysis and design tools as well as the development tools to be used in the assignment together with the research plan of activities with a timeline should be reflected here.

c. Section 3. Analysis. This will describe how the problem was analyzed and how the design issues were explained.

- Show your analysis of functional requirement
- Include a justification of why you have designed the site in the way you have chosen and how the needs of your target taking usability into account
- Discuss the techniques you would use to the site accessible for students with visual impairments.

d. Section 4. Design Show how the application is to be implemented. This should include the following information:
- Use-cases or flow charts
- A sitemap (or flow of access) of the application.
- The pages you plan to create. For each page, explain why you want to include it in the application and specify whether it is going to be dynamic or static.
An Entity Relationship Model (ERM) for the underlying database, including a specification of each table showing primary keys.

e. Section 5. Testing : A To make sure that the end result meets the business and user requirements.

f. Section 6. Conclusion and recommendations showing reflective analysis of the assignment and your recommendations:

- Backup and recovery plans, which should detail the procedures for disaster/recovery, backup, and the contingency measures needed in order to maintain the system or to keep it up-to-date.

- A discussion of possible improvements that can be made on the application

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: Design and implement a usable internet application for use
Reference No:- TGS01722091

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