
Design and implement a programme that reads an integer

Assignment Criteria: 1-3

NB: as you complete each program task, demonstrate the program to your tutor and get your tutor to sign the assignment log sheet. Do not leave it all to last moment. No signed Log, No grade.

Task 1: (1.1-1.3; 2.1-2.5; 3.1-3.3)

Design and implement a programme that reads an integer value and prints the sum of all even integers between 1 and the input value inclusive, as well as the sum of all odd integers.

The programme should print the input value, sum of even integers, sum of odd integers and sum of both odd and even numbers. (Use selection and loop)


Task 2: (1.1-1.3; 2.1-2.5; 3.1-3.3)

The Packing Company wants a program for their Orders Department to calculate and display the price of an order. The order clerks enter the number of the units ordered, whether a customer is a wholesaler or retailer (the clerk enter W for wholesaler and R for retailer), and whether or not the customer is a special customer. If the customer is a special customer the company offers 10% discount on the total order. Use a variety of controls for this data entry. The price the customer pays per unit depends on these three things. The prices are as follows: (use nested ifs OR switch case)



No. Units

Price per unit £

No. Units

Price per unit £

1- 6
















Over 60


Over 50



Task 3: (1.1-1.3; 2.1-2.5; 3.1-3.3)

Write a program that asks the user to enter a total of three decimal numbers. After the numbers are entered, the program should ask the user to do the following: Enter 1 to find the maximum of three numbers, enter 2 to find the minimum, or enter 3 to find the average. The result should be displayed along with the three original numbers. (Use method)


Task 4: (1.1-1.3; 2.1-2.5; 3.1-3.3)

Create a Java application to calculate and display the cost of a number of rolls of wallpaper according to the rules:

    • £5 per roll for woodchip paper (type = 1)

    • £10 per roll for contemporary pattern paper (type = 2)

    • £15 per roll for traditional pattern paper (type = 3)

    • £30 per roll for high quality embossed paper (type = 4)

The customer enters two whole numbers type andnumber (the number of rolls required) and the program should calculate and display the cost of that number of rolls of wallpaper for the customer.

You are required to check that the customer will enter the input correctly as whole numbers.

The program allows the customer to get the cost of many rolls types. (Verify input as whole number)


Documentation to be submitted

For Task 1, 2, 3 & 4

  1. Identify the user requirements (i.e. input, output and process)[AC:1.1-1.2]

  2. Explain and justify the variables or constants used. [AC:2.1]

  3. Design of code (Pseudocode or JSD)[AC: 1.3;2.2-2.3]

  4. Code listing [AC: 2.1-2.5].

  5. Suitable set of test data with expected and actual results.Explain appropriate action carried out to correct programs errors.[AC:3.1-3.3]

  6. Evidence should include table of test data. (Provide screen prints of at least 2 actual results for each task).

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Computer Engineering: Design and implement a programme that reads an integer
Reference No:- TGS0667202

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