
Design and implement a java version of the game


The purpose of this assignment is to use the GUI components of Java and layouts to design and implement an interface and

functionality for a Memory game. The objectives are:

• To develop from scratch a MemoryBoard class that simulates a grid used in the memory game

• To gain additional practice using arrays

• To gain additional practice using AWT components and layouts


Design and implement a Java version of the game Memory. In this game, the player is presented with a two-dimensional grid of boxes that contain pairs of matching images or strings (you may use either). The object of the game is to find the matching pairs. When you click on a box, its contents are revealed. You then click on another box. If its contents match the first one, the contents remain visible. If not, the boxes are "closed" or covered again.

The player should be able to play multiple games without getting the same arrangement each time (in other words, the items behind the box should change or move each time the game begins).

The Design

Create a separate package in your workspace called view, and within that package, create the appropriate classes that you will need to design the interface (i.e., the MemoryBoard, buttons that can be clicked on the grid, images, etc.).

The Controller

Create a separate package in your workspace called controller. In this package, create the necessary class(es) that would be needed to keep track of the state of the buttons in the system (whether they have been clicked to be visible, or clicked to be not-visible).

The controller package should also contain all of the ActionListener implementations that need to access the grid instance and any data within it.

GUI Structure

You are free to use any GUI design you wish, but it should be at the minimum a two-dimensional grid, with boxes that are clickable.

Below is a mock-up example of the type of GUI we expect you to create. You are expected to use some of the GUI components discussed in this unit to design this interface, including JPanels, JLabels, JFrames,

Hints and Tips

Remember, keep any ActionListener implementations in the controller package. We encourage you to be creative with any additional methods/members you will want to add to these implementations. After all, some of the ActionListeners somehow need to have access to the Grid instance. You can do this however you want, as long as it is in good form and it make sense. Note: You may want to create sequence diagrams of how your various Swing components will change based on user behavior and model behavior before coding them up. A good approach to assignments like this is to create the GUI first. Then, add functionality to the GUI components and the corresponding model classes one at a time until they all work correctly.

What to Turn In

As with all previous programming assignments, create a .zip archive of your project workspace and upload to Moodle by the deadline.
Extra Credit (worth 15 additional points)

Display a Player's Score, which starts at 0 and increases each time the player finds a match. A High Score should also be maintained, that maintains as long as a player hasn't beaten it. Once a player does beat it, the high score should be changed to the new score.

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JAVA Programming: Design and implement a java version of the game
Reference No:- TGS01134516

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