Design and equip ndt equipment box for onsite investigation

Assignment Task: Your assignment is to design and equip a NDT Equipment Box for onsite investigation of your chosen industry

The primary objectives of the NDT kit are to inspect the site/plant/machinery/components, collect information, and generate a record of the fitness for service of components/plants.

With these constraints, develop a list of the NDT equipment items that you would include in your tool box.

For each NDT kit selected provide a rationale: by giving a description of the item, its intended use or uses, and justification of the cost if over OMR 3000, the weight (if over 5 kg), and size (if it occupies more than 20% of the case).

  • Abstract
  • Abbreviations
  • Table of contents
  • List of figures.
  • List of table
  • Introduction
  • Body of the report:
  • NDT requirement for
  • List of NDT equipment
  • Justification for
  • Table & figures:
  • Explanation grid
  • Conclusion
  • References

Attachment:- Design and equip a NDT Equipment Box.rar

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Mechanical Engineering: Design and equip ndt equipment box for onsite investigation
Reference No:- TGS03055648

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